in Musings


Like many people, I spend much of my life on autopilot. Every day is a routine; get up, walk the dog, shower, eat, head to work. At work, grab coffee, catch up on emails, get to work, eat lunch, work again, go home. Repeat every day. If anything upset that carefully-crafted apple cart it would throw my whole day off balance. I’d have to engage my thinking brain, damn it. And thinking can be hard. It’s much easier to coast through life.

I can feel the familiar Sunday-evening pressure I’ve become accustomed to on the night before a workday. The feeling amuses me now as I’ve got the next few days off, but it’s still good to recognize the habit – and much easier to recognize now that I’ve temporarily stepped out of it.

A life that never changes doesn’t hold much appeal to me. If I weren’t willing to step out of my comfort zone I would never grow. Otherwise, how can you ever find out who you are?

I’m still finding out who I am. I know that’s a question I will likely never be able to answer, if I live my life right that is. I must constantly raise my own bar.

Sailors once feared falling off the edge of the earth. Those who took the risk were rewarded handsomely. I’m soon to cast off on another grand adventure. There may be treasure and there may be dragons. No matter what, I aim to enjoy the ride.