in Meddling

99% of people can’t watch this video more than 25 seconds

There’s a Facebook scam going around that tricks users into installing Javascript on their browser. This then opens them up to all kinds of malicious activity, the first of which is to propagate the scam by automatically updating your Facebook status with a pointer to the scam page. Yes, it takes control of your Facebook account without your permission!

If you see a status update from your Facebook friends that says “99% of people can’t watch this video more than 25 seconds,” do not click on the link!

For those of you who are curious, the video mentioned is said to be a YouTube video of a macabre scene from a seriously-disturbing horror movie called Hostel 2. Not only is this Not Safe For Work, it’s not safe for anything!

Here are some technical details about the scam from Roger Thompson at AVG. Essentially, you’ll be asked to fill out a survey before you’re asked to put the Javascript on your browser. Thus, this is a phishing scam, in addition to whatever might get done to your Facebook account.

Just save yourself the trouble and don’t click on the page.