in Musings

Gen. McChrystal’s firing

Obama fired Army General Stan McChrystal yesterday over comments that appeared in Rolling Stone Magazine.

Many are applauding the move, and it seemed sound to me at first. However, after reviewing the comments that were said I am less convinced that what McChrystal said was meant to be disrespectful. It seems to me that the general and aides were expressing frustration with the media’s harping on disagreements with Vice President Biden, not with Biden himself.

I am a firm believer in civilian control of the military, and I am fully aware that military leaders often play whomever is President like a fiddle – boxing him or her into decisions that the President doesn’t want to make. That might be reason to dismiss the general, but expressing dissent should not be.

I think the wisest leaders are ones who solicit all opinions and weigh each of them. I hear Obama takes this approach in his meetings. Dissent should be welcome, as long as the President’s orders continue to be faithfully executed. Obama stated that McChrystal faithfully carried out his orders.

One thing I couldn’t stand in when I was in the military was the “dead weight” who advanced simply because they hung around long enough. No opinion of their own, they just mindlessly follow orders. Good soldiers, sailors, and employees work to keep their bosses from making bad decisions. Sometimes they lose that fight, but I see it as vital that they at least try. I wouldn’t want my staff stacked with yes-men. That’s a path to sure failure.

From what I’ve read, McChrystal appears to have unique insight into the Afghan government. I hope whatever success he carved out of that dusty land did not fall victim to a stupid battle of egos. Obama might look weaker in caving in to the press.

  1. what’s amusing about this is that a General who was disparaged by the left is now in charge of Afghanistan. Will he now be lawded?!?

    I agree with you that Generals should be able to voice dissenting opinions. They have a role to provide the best intel to the president. It’s then a political decision. The Generals may not like it but they have to abide by it also. It’s a tough call.

  2. I’m pretty sure that the firing was about doing the commenting in a public forum. If one of McChrystal’s Colonels published a similar article he would have fired them. The whole thing is a shame. It can’t have been a surprise that there was friction. But once the friction within the group becomes detailed public knowledge, no one will trust McChrystal and his aids again.

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