in Checking In

Tough Saturday

Today began with enough promise: a happy family, brilliant blue skies, and some time to enjoy being ourselves. We puttered a bit for breakfast before getting on to our tasks for the day. Kelly began to get the house clean for our dinner guests and I began work on getting the yard whipped into shape. Kelly left Travis with me while she and Hallie visited her friend for a chat. While I mowed the lawn Travis spent time inside watching TV.

Once the yard was done, I had time enough to grab some lunch before starting to work on a customer maintenance task that was scheduled to take up my next three hours. Optimistically I thought I would be done in less than two hours but important team members were missing from this maintenance, dragging it out far beyond the time it was supposed to take. I wound up spending five hours cursing up a blue streak at balking computers and watching helplessly as the hours ticked away. Rather than spend time with my family at my nephew Davis’s birthday party and Hallie’s soccer game, I missed both events completely. I might have caught some of the end of Hallie’s game but Kelly had asked me to put dinner in the oven at 5 and that time was fast approaching.

I was stuck. Frustratingly stuck.

The dinner party went well enough. It was great seeing our friends, but now I’m in the doghouse and I’m not entirely sure why. It’s not a good way to end a Saturday that held so much promise.