1. I bet the “Year Round Schools Are A Liberal Indoctrination Conspiracy” faction is peeing itself with happiness right now.

    “Hey guys, we’ve managed to build one of the best school systems in the nation. LET’S FUCK IT UP FOR POLITICS!”

  2. Hmm, I don’t understand how the policies that the board wants to change will affect the counties education system being better or worse

    Those measures include a diversity policy that has won Wake schools national recognition, mandatory year-round schools and early class dismissals for teacher planning sessions that some parents dubbed “Wacky Wednesdays.”

    I don’t necessarily have a problem with those policies but I don’t think they have that big of an impact on the quality of education. Maybe year round does but I don’t know for sure.

    Maybe, we’re overreacting here?

    Anyway, schools ARE indoctrination centers because they’re in the political crosshairs. I’m not saying they’re liberal or conservative. They are, however, susceptible to the people currently in charge. Are the fundamentalist christians in charge? Then you’ll get creationism in the classroom. Are the progressives in charge? Then you’ll get alternative lifestyle education. And it doesn’t matter if you agree with those topics but if you think it’s ok to put one of those in the classroom you better be damned well ok with the other issue precisely because it’s a political system. So, when that happens you now want to educate your students in politcal/spiritual beliefs that you hold dear. Guess what? That’s indoctrination…

  3. it’s easy! No schools funded by tax payer money. Politics gone.

  4. And the poor families who can’t afford to send their kids to school? What happens to them? Slavery?

    If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.

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