in Musings, Weather

Judging drivers

The recent snow and ice event started up the predictable office debates about “people just not knowing how to drive in this weather.” It didn’t matter that some of these driving “experts” complained of people driving too fast and some complained of people driving too slow: no matter what the other driver clearly was in the wrong.

The late, great comedian George Carlin once observed that anyone driving slower than you is an idiot and anyone driving faster than you is a maniac. It’s true: we’re quick to judge other drivers by our own driving. This leads to all sorts of problems, not only for your judging someone else but for the driver you are judging.

I think some drivers take this criticism to heart when they overhear it and try to adjust their driving to accommodate these views. The result is a driver who drives outside of his or her comfort zone, which is where the real danger begins.

As for me, I don’t care whether you drive too fast for my tastes or too slow for my tastes (though I prefer, uh, slower), just as long as you drive within your comfort zone. If you stick with what you know both of our trips will go more smoothly.