in Checking In

Well, THAT was an interesting 24 hours!

About four o’clock yesterday I’m staring at my computer screen, helping a coworker with a server issue. Suddenly I’m feeling nauseous and thinking it wise to head home. I felt strange when I stopped by the pharmacy on the way home, wondering if anyone noticed I was starting to feel sick.

At home I had a little while to eat dinner before heading out to the East CAC meeting. I skipped all handshaking and sipped water the entire meeting, walking out at one point to (attempt to) empty my stomach.

Then in a freak accident on the way out of the meeting, the city representative who helps me with the CAC slipped in the dark parking lot, broke her leg, and fractured her ankle! Though I was woozy myself, I stayed with her until the paramedics arrived to take her to the hospital. Then I drove her car back to our house, fetched Rocket, and he and I walked back to the park to drive my car home.

The night was a restless one, with my fever kicking in and my mind thinking of my friend’s injuries. I decided to call in sick, which I did.

I’ve spent today napping in bed, relaxing in the recliner, and basically staring blissfully into space as my body slowly patched itself back together. After topping out at 101.2 degrees F, my temperature dropped back to 99.3 at suppertime and I ate a meal that was something other than toast and water. Whee!

I’ll head back to work tomorrow if I sleep well tonight. If I don’t sleep well, I’ll be working from home. We’ll see what happens.

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