in Checking In

You name it, we did it this weekend

Whoa, where to start? Quiet evening at home Friday evening due to the rain. Saturday morning took the dog for a walk and had a nice chat with a neighbor before returning home to finish up preparations for Hallie’s birthday party. Got done right before the first guests arrived.

Had a great party for Hallie. I was in charge of kid festivities and had some playing soccer while others played on the playset or drew with the sidewalk chalk. Then my parents, my sister-in-law, and niece joined us for lunch at Moe’s. We got home and went bike riding and Rollerblading in the neighborhood before the kids went over to play with their Italian friends down the street, leaving Kelly and I an opportunity for a Saturday afternoon nap. Ah, what a luxury!

Today was even more fun-filled. I awoke at 7:30 and got ready to take Rocket for his walk when Travis popped out of his room and excitedly asked if he could go with me. Hallie had been reading to him and soon they were both scrambling to go with me. Once they were all ready, I suggested we invite Kelly and that’s how today’s family dog walk came about. We took Rocket to the dog park for a good 45 minutes of play before we all walked home and got breakfast.

After eating, we decided to try out Hallie’s new tennis racket and tennis balls. This made Kelly and I want to dig out our tennis rackets, which haven’t seen the light of day for ten years. With a racket found for Travis to use, we spent a fun time at the Lions Park tennis court hitting balls to each other. Occasionally over the net, too! It was nothing to brag about but it sure was fun.

We came back long enough to get our bikes and skates out and spent an hour riding around our neighborhood streets.Then after lunch, we got our swim things and headed to Ridge Road pool, where we spent a splashy afternoon before returning around 6. We cleaned up, I cooked dinner, and the family gathered on the couch to watch an episode of the BBC’s Planet Earth documentary.

What a laughter-and-family-filled weekend. It don’t get no better than this!