in Politics

House Bill 1180 will deregulate N.C. phone service

A bill is sneaking its way through the state legislature that will effectively deregulate telephone service in the state. House Bill 1180 will free telecom companies to charge whatever they deem necessary, without regard to citizens having any other choices.

Not surprisingly, the AARP is against the proposal, and urges its membership to let legislators know. If you don’t want telecoms having free reign to do what they want in this state (and we’ve seen how that works out, haven’t we?), please do the same!

  1. I think those two bills are different in a lot of respects. The other bill closes off competition this just allows them to raise rates

    So, let me ask and I’m not trying to be snarky, but other than my rates going up how is this bad? I’m not saying I like the rates going up but I do think that businesses should be able to set the price of their service….

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