in Checking In

Sleep: I know not of it

I had to look up the definition of sleep this morning because I certainly didn’t learn about it last night. The dog opted not to do anything at his final bathroom break of the evening and then proceeded to whine all night long when he decided he had to go. Then I heard Hallie say something to him when she got up in the night to go to the bathroom, so I had to check on her.

I offered the dog a chance to go out but he sat there looking stupid, so I went back to bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, the back yard motion light came on, compelling me out of bed. I grabbed the flashlight, checked out the yard, and then shooed the dog outside where he finally relieved himself. With everyone happy again, I finally went back to bed.

Only I wasn’t asleep yet. I heard a commercial trash truck driving around, emptying dumpsters. Figuring this had to be outlawed by Raleigh’s noise ordinance (it was 3:30 AM, for goodness sake), I called the PD and asked them to find the truck and ask him to stop. The officer and/or dispatcher blew me off and I called again to repeat my request. After being put on hold, I was told the officer would call me. He did call back about 10 minutes later, said he was nowhere near and played dumb about the noise ordinance. Frustrated, I put the phone down and tried to get some semblance of sleep. My alarm clock sounded (loudly) about an hour later.

Good times.

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