in Weather


This morning’s commute was notable due to the thickest fog I’ve ever seen here. In spots I could see maybe a block ahead but not much farther. It reminded me of some other foggy drives I’ve made.

One night in the early 90s when driving sound to San Diego on I-5 from north of L.A., I drove into a sudden blanket of fog that essentially blinded me. When you’re driving 75 MPH on I-5 late on a Sunday night the last thing you want is to disappear into a fog bank.

Same thing happened in the fall of 1988 on a late night drive from the Boston Airport to Ft. Devens in western Mass on Route 2. I drove into fog so thick I had to move at basically a crawl, as there was nothing but woods around me and no lights to show me the way.

Good times, I tell ya.