in Weather

Snow dusting

We awoke to a world blanketed with an inch of wet snow. The expected 2-4″ did not materialize, though fortunately the 10″ didn’t, either. I waited an hour later than my usual departure to give time for the idiots on the road to find their respective ditches, then I drove into work with no issues at all.

Tomorrow might be a good work-from-home day as the day should begin with temperatures well below freezing.

  1. I figure somewhere between 6 and 10 inches here in Richmond. Anna and Wesley stayed one more night as I didn’t want to join the local melee/bumper-car thing on the roads. To top it off they just announced a record low temperature for the date, 12F. It is the lowest temperature since 1925.

  2. How’s that for Global Warming, I mean Climate Change (Isn’t that what we are supposed to call it now?)

  3. Oh, Todd…

    I love how the climate change deniers point to one three-day cold snap as proof that the earth isn’t warming, when 630,000 years’ worth of ice bores tell us otherwise.

    We can argue about what is causing the warming, but we can’t argue that it is occurring. That is a proven fact.

  4. Wasn’t Global Cooling going to kill us all in the 1970’s?

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