in Checking In

End of a busy, busy, busy week

The third week of the month is typically busy for me, but this one was especially so. I led a boisterous East CAC meeting Monday, bringing me home around 10 PM. I had Tuesday night “off.” Wednesday night was the Raleigh CAC meeting, which began at 7 (allowing me to eat supper with the family) and got me home about 10 PM.

Upon returning home Wednesday night I discovered my home computer server was wheezing and apparently on its last legs, so I spent another three hours moving it all to a new server. Bedtime was at 1:15 AM.

Thursday evening was my Parks board meeting, beginning at 5:30 PM and ending around 6:45 PM. That night, I spent over an hour picking through and explaining some new zoning issues for a nearby neighborhood, an effort which went largely unappreciated, sorry to say.

I took the day off of work Friday to spend it at the Growing In Place Symposium. Friday followed by the Healthy Cities presentations most of Saturday. Oh, and we also squeezed in a visit to Rolesville to visit our friends and former neighbors for dinner.

Now I feel sleepy. Is it any wonder?