in Check It Out, Raleigh

GPS Prof Rock Star

I came home to a surprise package in the mail from my favorite fifth-grade class, Mrs. Jarrett’s at Conn Elementary. In it was a big thank-you card from Mrs. Jarrett and her class as well as 14 handwritten papers from the kids saying what each learned from my GPS talk.

Here’s a sample letter:

Dear Mr. Turner,

Thanks for coming to my school. From what you taught us I learned that their are 4 satellite signals for a GPS to work. Another thing learned was in 1978 the first GPS satellite was launched. I also learned how the earth rotates 360 times a day. I didn’t know GPS couldn’t be used indoors. On more thing I learned was Sputnik was the world’s largest sat. in space. Thanks for coming!
Sincerely, C

Here’s another one:

Dear Mr. Turner,

Thank you for comeing to are school. I learned a lot from you like 1978 the first GPS satellite was lanched. I was glad that we saw you. I think your teachings will help me in the future. Please come back for the next qurter to show them what you know.
Sincerely, S

Getting a packet full of thank-you notes made me feel like a rock star! The talk sure was a blast, and the kids might actually have learned something. I’m pretty sure, though, that I described Sputnik as being basketball-sized. I’m amused to read how it’s become the world’s largest satellite!

I look forward to being invited back!

  1. I believe Sputnik was actually slightly bigger than basketball size (I was going to say 3 feet diameter, but NASA says it was almost 2 feet: ). I once saw a spare surplus sputnik for sale at a consignment shop in Reading, PA and I remember thinking that the antennas were much larger than I had expected them to be.

  2. Now you have more info to give the kids now that the new Wired has a GPS cover story.

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