in Musings

New line of books

I’m thinking of starting my own publishing company, specializing in books designed to give people the bare-bones information to keep computer systems running. The books would be a bit more complete than a HOWTO but favoring the day-to-day tasks over installation and configuration.

The target market is the poor schmuck who got stuck running Exchange (for instance) because the mail administrator got downsized. Poor Schmuck needs to know only the things that will keep Exchange up and running until someone with a clue can take over.

I think such a line of books might be successful in this kind of economy. If you’d like to write on a topic that might fit this mold, drop me an email and we’ll talk.

  1. “How to Protect your Computer on the Internet”

    Chapter 1
    Don’t use Microsoft Windows as your operating system.

    That’s 80% of the book right there.

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