in Checking In

Interview recap

So I had my interview at 2PM today. Got there 5 minutes early, met the team, and spent the next two hours running the gauntlet of technical interview questions. I think I escaped relatively unscathed. I’m expecting a call tomorrow with official word, but my feeling is that I’m the guy they want.

Some details need to be worked out (my pay, which recruiter firm will be involved, etc.), but I expect this will be a a good place to hang around for the next six months, and hopefully longer. On the last front, the boss couldn’t make any promises there would be something at the end of this six-month rainbow, but though this company currently has a hiring freeze it is certainly not standing still – building a massive datacenter that will be my playground. I think this bodes well for my chances.

Christmas might come a day early tomorrow. Wish me luck!

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