in Checking In

Dinner party weekend

It has been a good weekend: full of social stuff!

Friday evening the whole family went to the Padgett’s annual holiday party. It was our first one and boy, was I surprised at the multitude of people at that party. It was wall-to-wall friends. I didn’t get to meet nearly everyone I wanted to meet but I had some good conversations with people I already knew.

Saturday’s dinner party was at my friend Scott’s place, where we had pizza and a good time. We finished the evening at the Peace Street Starbucks for some coffee and talk. And tonight we hosted some friends from the neighborhood for a dinner party. Its a lot of work to host a dinner but its always fun.

Got in some good exercise with Rocket in the back yard both days, too, and yesterday I cleared the back yard of leaves and pine straw with the leaf blower.

There’s a few more interesting jobs for which I want to apply. I’ll put in for those this week and wait for the phone to ring. And even though I’m between jobs now I have a few lunch meetings this week with friends and fellow volunteers, as well as meetings and holiday parties for the boards that I’m on. I may be jobless now but I’m sure not bored!

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