in Checking In

Unemployment insurance

Its official: I’ve just been officially recognized by the gummint as being unemployed. I called the NC ESC to get my PIN reset so I could file online and a helpful staffperson named Harriet did that and filed my claim for me. I was on hold for 30 minutes before Harriet got to me but her willingness to help and cheerful demeanor made it all worthwhile.

My unemployment checks are a pittance, actually, though they’re the maximum the state will pay. The amount is a fraction of my former salary. It will be a painful transition period but we’ll be able to keep the lights on here at MT.Net.

I was told something else interesting: the ESC doesn’t want my job search records, at least not right away. I was told to dutifully fill them out and keep them around but only send them in if/when the ESC asks to see them. I suppose the ESC is so busy with claims now that they don’t have the staff to sort through mounds of job search forms.