in Checking In

Silver lining

It hasn’t been all bad news this week. We got word from our insurance provider that we’ll be getting a hefty check for our totaled van: one pretty close to Blue Book value! The folks at Farm Bureau were easy to deal with and seemed to get things done quickly.

The other nice thing is that we don’t need to replace the van right away. I obviously have no job to drive to (and didn’t drive to my last one) and since car dealers are losing their shirts right now we can bide our time to the end of the quarter or later if we choose. The money may come in handy for more immediate needs (like, uh, the mortgage) in the meantime.

Or I may get that scooter I’ve been meaning to get and become one of the cool kids.

  1. If you’ll be looking for another minivan, I have a suggestion: check out the Toyota Sienna. It runs neck-and-neck with the Honda Odyssey but doesn’t have a history of transmission problems. I found a sweet deal on a 4-year-old Sienna on Craigslist, and I love the car (never thought I’d say that about a minivan…).

  2. Yes, with the misadventures we had with the Odyssey and its transmission, I think the Sienna is a strong contender to be out next car.

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