in Politics, Raleigh, Reviews

Post-election poll-worker props

No matter which candidates you supported in yesterday’s elections, I think you’ll agree that the Wake County Board of Elections did an outstanding job managing the election. Early voting was super-easy and wildly successful, voting machines worked well, ballots were easy to understand and counted fairly, and poll workers knew their jobs and performed those jobs efficiently. Rarely did I see anyone waiting more than 5 to 10 minutes at the polling places I visited. Even the Board of Election’s post-election results webpages, farmed out to SOE Software, easily handled the load.

Managing a presidential election is a mammoth project but from what I can see Wake County pulled it off flawlessly. Kudos to all the poll workers who put in long hours to make voting so effortless!

  1. “Kudos to all the poll workers who put in long hours to make voting so effortless!”

    You’re welcome. 🙂 (Well, for Durham County, anyway…)

    And, thank you for engaging in the process yourself…

  2. Heh. You’re too late. A precinct worker talked me and my Obama poll greeter friend into signing up for more information.

    If I’m not working a campaign myself I think I’d like to work as a precinct worker.

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