in Checking In, Politics

Crunch time

I’ve taken tomorrow off to campaign for a few good candidates. I’ll be in Apex tomorrow working as a poll greeter for Al Swanstrom (NC House). Then in the afternoon I’ll be in Raleigh’s Five Points campaigning for Josh Stein (NC Senate) and Grier Martin (NC House). I hope to wrap up the day celebrating victory but I won’t know that until the evening.

Believe it or not, I’ll be so happy all this is over, even if its just a little while. Its high time to get on with other things!

  1. Suzzanne and I voted this morning, got in line at 6:15 a.m. and finished at 8:15 a.m.. I estimated their was a bout a quarter mile of line before you even got verified. (I figured each row of tables in the cafeteria was about 100 ft., the line went up and down the rows 6 times and it was a bout 200ft from the front door before you got into the cafeteria.) Then you had another line to wait for 6 electronic machines.

    This is in Henrico county north of Richmond. Our poling place is near the 295/95 intersection. We got to vote for president, senate, and house.

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