in Check It Out, Raleigh

Raleigh in high-rez

I just updated the Wikipedia entry for Raleigh with a sweet picture of downtown I took today. Knowing how the Wikipedia anarchy operates I’m under no illusion regarding how long the picture will last in Raleigh’s entry. The weather was just too perfect not to pop out for a quick picture or three. I only spent an hour tooling around taking pictures, though, as there was grass to be cut and neighborhood trash to be picked up.

I could’ve used a polarized filter on the lens to bring out more of the blue sky, but other than that I wouldn’t change a thing. I really like the view from the Western Boulevard overpass – better than the traditional South Saunders view, actually. I wonder why we don’t see more of it.

Just like my previous pictures, this shot is public domain. I look forward to seeing it pop up in various places.