in Politics

Sold out

I saw that Barack Obama will be speaking at the Kerr Scott Building at 12:30 today. Tickets are required but the campaign headquarters is a short walk away from my office so I took a stroll to pick them up.

I was presented with a sign on the door saying tickets were sold out. I looked at my watch: it was five after ten. Tickets went on sale at 9:30 and sold out 25 minutes later.

One could argue that this shows what demand there is for Obama here, but it says something more to me: the ‘E’ word, elitism. This seems to be another little inconvenience that adds to my sense that the Obama campaign isn’t being open to everyone.

I wanted to put up an Obama sign in our yard. The campaign wanted $8 for it. Talk about ‘audacity.’ I grudgingly paid it and now am beginning to question the wisdom of it.

Mr. Obama, there are plenty of people here who support you but cannot afford to pay $8 to show that support. Which part of John Edwards’s Two Americas are you in, sir? America has had a king for the past seven years. We don’t want another one!

I really don’t want to be put into another case of “lesser of two (or three) evils” but I want to see a little more caring from the Obama camp if it wants my vote. Right now you can color me unimpressed.

Update: This is apparently a town hall meeting and limited to 2,000 participants. Now I understand why I couldn’t get in.

  1. I believe they make you pay for yard signs, bumper stickers, etc. so that rethugnicans won’t take all your campaign material and destroy it … and it contributes to the campaign.

    As for the word “Elite” … find Monday’s (4/14/08) Daily Show and watch what Jon Stewart says about that … and I agree … after 8 years of this clown I want someone better than me to be the President!!!

    As for (didn’t I just say that) for Obama’s comments about “bitter” people in Pennsylvania … I grew up in Western Pennsylvania … THEY ARE BITTER!!! … now if Faux News could just shut up about his comments.

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