in Music

The Pride

Did I mention that Cannibal Sea is a phenomenal pop album? Here’s my guess on the lyrics to The Pride.

The Pride
Essex Green

When The Pride left the cape
the winds swept the mains
and lines of geese saluted
this stick-and-tree parade

From battle they seem
all war-torn and weak
but they ride the lines right up
or piss in the sea

There’s a war in the glade
they all come in spades
to charge the rise in the eastern tide
sweeping change

But the mistral appears
all sharp in her shears
and they ride the lines right up
or piss in the sea

steady at the rudder
steady at the rudder
swing us ’round, swing us ’round

And the last on the land
they all drop a hand
to celebrate the morning
and relieve in stands
till the last of the fleas go all degrees

well, they ride the lines right up
and piss in the sea

yeah, they ride the lines right up
and piss in