in Checking In

Yet another busy weekend

After a busy week at work, I spent another busy weekend Gettin’ ‘Er Done at home. More unpacking Friday evening, and some time spent on top of a ladder cleaning out the first of our many clogged gutters.

Saturday I spent another 2 hours at the Hobhouse house packing up belongings in the garage. I spent the rest of the day unpacking that load and distributing it around the new home before getting ready for dinner. Satuday evening I joined the rest of the family for a surprise retirement party for my mom. We enjoyed a fun dinner at 18 Seaboard before returning back to our home to take a quick peek at the Kansas-UNC NCAA Final Four game.

Sunday we enjoyed a relaxing morning before I headed north once again to finish clearing it out. I packed in all the garage shelves, the wheel barrow, and the rest of the house plants. I placed a lot of this stuff in the new home’s expansive crawlspace. All that’s left now is the rain tank, which I’m hoping I can get my former neighbor, Frank, to help with.

Back at the new home, I put in an intelligent thermostat and put the window screens back on the windows. I discovered a pile of dead insects near one of the dormer windows in the attic: it seems the screen that was placed over the gable vents to plug holes is doing its job. The bees and hornets were likely trapped inside when the screen was applied. I wonder if I’ll find more.

It did stop raining for a while on Sunday. Seems days since we’ve seen the sun, though. Now that I’ve fetched the lawn mower I am itching to get the yard looking better.