in Raleigh

East CAC meeting

I went to my first meeting of the Raleigh East CAC last night. I’ve wanted to see what was on the minds of our future neighbors so this seemed the perfect opportunity. Since the meetings are held at Lions Park which is a stone’s throw of our new house, I won’t have much excuse for missing them.

Last night’s meeting drew over 50 residents and featured a Q&A session with Mayor Meeker. Questions were mostly drought-related, but some questions on police activity and neighborhood revitalization were also asked. Raleigh Police officer Matt McKee gave crime statistics and explained a few recent cases. The tone was relaxed and civil. Also, Charlene Willard served the crowd green ice cream and cookies in recognition of St. Patrick’s day. It was funny to see her again so soon.

It was the first time I got to meet James West, Raleigh’s District C councilor. He and I walked out together. Dr. West was musing on the power of people cooperating, gesturing animatedly as he spoke. I’ve got to tell you, hearing him talk had me fired up! The guy should’ve been a coach or something. He seems really committed to improving the city and his enthusiasm is infectious. I look forward to getting to know him better.

I had my arm twisted more than once last night to get involved with the East CAC. Helping organize so many passionate people sound like real fun. I’ll have to see how my schedule settles once we finish our move to see if I can make it work.