in Raleigh

Downtown Raleigh: sleepy no more

I got called back into the office last night when it appeared the work I had done on our company’s firewall had taken down our network in Germany. It turned out to be a power failure rather than something I did, but I did appreciate a peek at what the area around my office is like at night.

Wow, was I amazed. The streets were full of people! Some waiting to get into a club that by day is a sleepy storefront. Others enjoyed drinks at sidewalk tables in front of The Raleigh Times. Bicycle taxis drove people from one end of Fayetteville Street to the other.

In spite of all the activity, I still managed to snag a street parking space right in front of my building. Before I could even log into my computer, I got the call about the cause being a power failure, sending me home again.

I remember my first visit to Raleigh in the fall of 1987. A friend had started at N.C. State and he took me on a tour of the city. On a Friday night downtown were deserted! I had to smile last night when I considered the contrast.

My, how things change.