in Checking In

Another one gets away

My optimism over yesterday’s showing got the best of me. Close, but no cigar. Here’s the feedback we received:

My buyers liked the sitting area in the master bedroom and the smooth ceilings. They loved the gas stove and huge backyard. They were disappointed about seeing the train tracks in the rear. They felt this house did not have enough storage and that the cabinets needed refinishing. Thanks for allowing us the opportunity to tour this very nice property.

Hrmph. “Very nice property.” Like kissing your sister, isn’t it?

I suppose I should post the house ad on local train forums. Maybe I could post a sign at the next New Hope Valley Railroad riding day!

On another note, I have no way of really knowing who did what yesterday: whether the Bookmarker was our prospect or someone else. Or the Slow-Roller for that matter. We’ll just have to see. Kelly tells me we’ve had a dozen showings so far, which really ain’t too shabby. Eventually we’ll find The One.