in Checking In

Moving on up

As you know, I spent the weekend doing more moving. Parking a storage container on your driveway is a great way to move: you can pack things at your own pace. I tucked the last items into our container this morning so tomorrow it can be carted back to the warehouse. Yay! I never thought we’d find enough stuff to put into an 8’x8’x16′ container but we did.

If I didn’t get my moving fix this weekend, I certainly got it at work yesterday! Yesterday, my company took over the suite we had been sharing with two other companies. We went from two office to seven! I spent all day moving furniture into the new digs, rewiring our network to match, and whipping our OpenWRT-based “server” into shape to lord over the new network.

The payoff to me was quite dramatic. I went from having a desk stuck in a darkened hallway to getting my own 13×13 corner office with a view overlooking the Raleigh Times bar. Sweet!

I also cranked open the windows yesterday, happy to finally have an office with windows that actually open. I enjoyed the cool, energizing breeze a few moments and then a paper with my network map on it took flight somewhere over Hargett Street. Do they still make paperweights?

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