in Checking In

More promising showings

The weather was gorgeous this weekend, and as I’ve come to expect when the weather is nice there were mucho people out looking at homes. We didn’t get much visible traffic yesterday but today we did well with two showings: both of which went very well.

Both couples were early in the family game and both would make great additions to the neighborhood. The first found out house on Craigslist and the second on Realtor.Com. They weren’t expecting to see the house at a moment’s notice but we pounced on them when they drove up and offered it to them, anyway. Hey, you gotta be aggressive in a competitive market, right?

Happily, the tracks didn’t seem to be a big issue with either couple. I’ve started rationalizing it to folks by pointing out that I’d rather have 1 or 2 trains roll by each day than have dozens of flights skim my house like the Brier Creek neighborhoods. That, or have I-540 for a backyard. That’s seemed to put things in perspective.

Again, we won’t count our chickens but it wouldn’t surprise me if we were really closing in on a contract. This time I mean it. Yeah.

On a related note, I finally filled up the storage container today. All the furniture and stuff I expected to fit actually did fit. Almost perfectly, surprisingly enough. Now we can get that thing carted away and get our driveway back, at least until its not our driveway anymore.

  1. Good job – we only had one showing all weekend. Bah.

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