in Check It Out, Green, Raleigh

Downtown makes me a TV star

On the way to the street to unload a coworker’s car a few moments ago, I got interviewed by WTVD reporter Tim Nelson about the drought and whether the city’s done an adequate job letting people know about Stage 2 restrictions taking effect tomorrow. He was asking if the city’s full-page ad about water restrictions was “buried” at the back of today’s the N&O’s business section. I basically told him you’d have to be under a rock if you didn’t know about the upcoming restrictions.

WTVD is within 3 blocks of my office, which makes me suspect they’ll stick a microphone in front of the first warm body that wanders near their studio. I may be the hapless victim of many more interviews, just based on the proximity.

Tim said the story would air tonight at 6, which is coincidentally the time we’re having yet another potential buyer see the house. Somebody tape it for me, ‘k?