in Politics

On board with Obama

Kelly and I kicked in a few bucks to Barack Obama’s campaign this weekend. I know it seems we’re piling onto the bandwagon but I said way back in September that he’d likely get my vote.

I used to respect John McCain after reading about how he conducted himself as a POW and how he’s defied death a half-dozen times. Too bad he sold out in the 2004 election. And anyone who considers Joe Lieberman a friend is suspect right from the get-go.

Hillary Clinton …. well, we just won’t go there.

  1. Did you miss the McCain entry on the February 4th Idiots List???:


    John McCain

    In the wake of Rudy’s collapse it’s looking increasingly likely that John McCain will be the Republican nominee this fall. Hey, if the GOP wants to nominate a decrepit old white guy with an anger management problem who thinks we should stay in Iraq for a million years and is so hated by the conservative base that he almost quit the Republican Party in 2001, fine by me.

    After all, this is a guy who just a few years ago said that, “I will hate the gooks as long I live.” Just a few years before that, he bashed then-teenager Chelsea Clinton for being “so ugly.” He’s a guy who dumped the wife who stood by him while he spent five years in a Vietnamese POW camp, for a woman 17 years his junior. A guy who changed his religion for political convenience. A guy who told the world last year it was safe to walk around Baghdad. A guy who joked about bombing Iran. A guy who recently admitted that he doesn’t know anything about the economy. A guy who has flip-flopped on everything from abortion to tax cuts to torture.

    A guy who is so confused, he thinks Vladimir Putin is the president of Germany.

    And when conservative luminaries such as Joseph Farah, founder of World Net Daily, write stuff like this about your war service…

    When the Navy pilot was shot down over a lake near Hanoi, his captors did not know who he was – John McCain, son of the admiral in charge of the Pacific fleet. McCain was seriously injured in his ejection and in need of medical attention. In exchange for what passes as first-class care in Vietnam, McCain talked. He told the North Vietnamese about his father. He told them about the chain of command. He described himself as one of the “very best pilots” in the Navy.

    Such behavior by a POW is strictly frowned upon in the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the military code of conduct.

    “OK,” you say, “McCain should be given a pass for this because he was badly hurt. Wasn’t his behavior at the Hanoi Hilton honorable after he recovered from his wounds?”

    No, not exactly. While serving as a POW, McCain was one of the captives who agreed to be used for propaganda purposes by the enemy. In fact, some argue that an interview he gave to a communist publication – detailing an accident aboard his ship, problems with low morale among U.S. servicemen, the chain of command in the U.S. Navy and other pertinent information – went far beyond mere propaganda and crossed the line into disclosing military intelligence secrets.

    On June 5, 1969, the Washington Post carried a story titled, “Reds Say PW Songbird is Pilot Son of Admiral.” The article states that, “Hanoi has aired a broadcast in which the pilot son of United States Commander in the Pacific, Adm. John McCain, purportedly admits to having bombed civilian targets in North Vietnam and praises medical treatment he has received since being taken prisoner.”

    …you know you’ve got problems.

    So let’s all look forward to a John McCain candidacy this year. His dull presence, skeleton-filled closet, and campaign platform of “less jobs, more wars” is sure to set the nation ablaze.


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