in Checking In

Busy busy weekend

I’m on the tail end of a very busy and productive weekend. Let’s see: I cut and installed the last floorboard in my attic project, replaced a broken picket in the fence, fixed the fence gate, turned the compost pile, stored some backyard junk under the deck, packed six or so boxes with dishes and photographs, moved ten boxes into the garage, moved the crib from upstairs storage into the garage, walked with Travis while he rode his bike, visited while Travis played at our neighbor’s house, and helped another neighbor move his refrigerator. And that was just today.

Saturday, I cooked a large breakfast for the whole family; packed about ten boxes with books and desk things; tried but failed to fix the fence gate when a part broke in my hands; made the rounds to four different locations to pick up moving boxes; entertained some dinner guests; and watched a Netflix movie with Kelly before retiring to bed.

Friday, I spent time rearranging our entire garage, including sweeping and tossing junk; stopped by the landfill to recycle said junk; picked up more boxes from various locations; went to our new house for its home inspection; and chilled for the rest of the evening.

Wow, has it been a full few days!