in Checking In

She’s gone

I asked the vet to put Smitty down this morning after getting the results of her blood tests. Her kidneys were failing and she apparently was in pain, judging by the fight she gave the vet crew.

She took her last breath at 10:52 this morning. The vet doc had to give her a sedative first as Smitty was fighting and cussing all the way. I got a chance to say goodbye, though. If it weren’t for my business trip today and tomorrow, I might have let her spend her last days at home. But I wanted to be there.

More tonight.

  1. sorry dude, that sucks… I’m not even sure that Smitty liked me, but I’ll miss her.

    somewhere up in heaven, she’s biting God’s hand.

  2. Most of the time I wasn’t sure whether Smitty liked me. It was only within the last few months that she would hop up into my lap on her own accord.

    You’re right about the hand-biting, though!

  3. I’m sorry to hear it. 🙁

    I’ve lost 2 cats in the last couple of years, I know how tough it is. Just be glad that she’s no longer in pain, and think back to the good times.

    It’s hard to see them go, but cats have so much personality it’s hard to imagine not having them around. In the end the world is a more interesting place having them around (hehe) and I know that despite the pain at times like this, it’s worth it.

  4. Mark! I’m so sorry to hear the news!! Losing pets is always hard and I’m sorry that Smitty had to be put down. 🙁

  5. Dude, gonna miss her…she was always great with me. Pour a little milk out for me!

  6. I’m sorry to hear about your cat … I’ve had to put down a couple of cats during my lifetime and it’s never easy.

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