in Mr. Fixit

I think I found my sweater

I got tired of having to fiddle with our clothes dryer’s lint filter just to get it to fit, so I unscrewed the filter cover and took a peek in. A few scoops later and I had a pile of lint as big as a cantaloupe! The ill-fitting filter’s centimeter-sized crack was enough to pass a virtual mountain of lint in the three years we’ve had the dryer.

I wonder how much already piled into my vent pipe. I also wonder how hot that lint can get in there. Whether or not it is a fire hazard, it sure looks like one.

I suggest y’all check yours out, too, just to be on the safe side. This time of year is a terrible time to burn down your home. But most times are … heh.

  1. We went through some troubles a few years ago when we had an element go out on the dryer and it blew wet lint into the vent. We ended up having an air conditioning company come out and install new ducts for the dryer. They put in much better stuff than the usual flexible vinyl ducts that usually get put in. In any case, it is relatively easy to string the ducts yourself. I just did it out at the lake house when we redid the upstairs bathroom. The worst part as going into areas that we usually ignore.

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