in Green

Carolina Wrens nesting nearby?

For the past few days I’ve consistently noticed Carolina Wrens flitting around the hiding places directly behind our house. While they’ve appeared at the feeder for three years now, they’ve always returned to a nest somewhere in the nearby woods. Until now, that is.

I’m guessing by their behavior that there’s now a nest hidden somewhere near my back door. I’m scratching my head as to exactly where it could be, as there aren’t a lot of hiding places for a nest, but the way they retreat behind what plants we do have rather than to the woods makes me think their home is very close to our home.

I love Carolina Wrens as the little birds have serious lungs on ’em. One of the cheerful little guys can practically wake a neighborhood.

Update: When I said “near my back door,” I didn’t expect it was literally right under it! Two wrens came flying out from under the deck when I walked out this afternoon. I haven’t peeked under there yet but I’ll bet money that there’s a nest under there.

  1. Your blog made me remember a neat place we visited in Atlanta, the Wren’s Nest. It is the house of Joel Chandler Harris, the man who wrote the “Uncle Remus Stories”. He called his house the “Wren’s Nest” because a family of Wren’s built their nest in his Mail Box…

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