in Raleigh

Google Earth updates Raleigh imagery

I noticed that Google Earth’s satellite imagery of Raleigh has been recently updated. Its actually showing imagery taken this year. I note that trees are green, traffic is moving on the Knightdale segment of I-540, and Falls Lake is full so I’m assuming the pic was taken in late spring. I’m also feeling embarrassed to have the greenest yard in the neighborhood, which is a switch for me: I was probably pretty darn proud at the time.

The spring and summer seasons are a terrible time for satellite imagery as the goal is normally to capture the details hidden by the foliage. Still its good to see somewhat recent pictures.

  1. Ehem! “Raleigh imagery”?!?

    How about “Triangle imagery”? Or better yet, central NC imagery?

    Or have you disowned the entire rest of the area?

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