in Rant, Reviews

Fuji’s idea of customer service

After hearing the doorbell ring yesterday I opened the door to find a long-awaited delivery: Kelly’s digital camera that had been sent in to Fuji to be repaired. It has been six weeks since she sent her Finepix F470 off to the factory and she had really been missing it. I put the box on her desk, letting her have the pleasure of opening it when she returned.

Well, she did enjoy opening it but she didn’t stay happy once she realized what she had. You see, Fuji didn’t fix the camera as she requested. Instead, Fuji shipped her someone else’s camera – and not only that, the camera they shipped was even more broken than the one she sent in! The strap hook is busted and the display shows a screenful of horizontal lines but no picture! At least her old camera could still take pictures.

This is what six weeks and $75 dollars buys us? Hey, Fuji: your service could use, um, a little help.

  1. The most annoying thing about this Fuji mess is that it wasn’t a mistake that they sent me someone else’s camera. This was their idea of repairing mine. When I called to complain, they said, “Oh, we didn’t have the parts to fix yours so we found one of the same model and sent that to you.” But they didn’t explain that anywhere, and apparently they didn’t bother to make sure the replacement actually worked!

    They must have a nice racket going of sending people other people’s broken cameras. Maybe they think if the feature that was originally broken works now, their customers won’t notice that something (or everything) else is broken!

    It would have been one thing if they’d said, “We can’t fix it.” and sent it back. Instead they charged me $50 plus two-way shipping to give me a busted camera. Not to mention how much I’ve missed having it all this time. I’ve gone 6 weeks now without taking pictures and I used to take them daily. I didn’t even get to capture Travis’s third ambulance ride! They’d better find a better way to make me happy this time!

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