in Check It Out, Raleigh

Zoinks! Zombies to walk the streets of Raleigh!

Looks like Raleigh’s downtown is set to be invaded by the undead. The group Scientists Targeting Undead Preservation, Intelligence and Domestication reports that a gaggle of zombies will appear in Moore Square at sunset (6:26 PM) the night of Saturday, October 27th. The brain-eating zombies will make a circuit around downtown, turning willing participants into zombies along the way, then gather to wash their brains down with a tasty malt beverage or two.

If you’re dying to join the zombies, you can find out more (including an entertaining Youtube video) at the hideously horrific Myspace page, nczombiewalk [Warning: self-launching Zombie music].

More details on the Raleigh walk here, here, here, and here.

Oh, and for the Durham undead, you’re meeting at 401 Foster Street at 5 PM the same night.

Happy brain hunting!