in Musings

The dishwasher lullaby

A few circumstances tonight made me recall a happy scene from my childhood. Kelly and I took the kids to Durant Nature Park’s annual Halloween Trail festivies, which we all loved. The kids were sacked out afterwards, with Travis not even lifting his head off the pillow as I read him his bedtime story. Also, the dishwasher is currently humming along in the kitchen.

So, what do these two things have in common? During the summer we would often drive for hours to Florida to visit my grandparents. When we stayed over at home of my maternal grandparents’ (known to me as Me Ma and Pa Pa), my brother Allen and I would sleep on the floor of the living room. I clearly remember being worn out from the long trip and falling asleep to the sound of the dishwasher in the next room. I haven’t thought of that experience in decades, but it brought a smile to my face tonight.

I sure do miss ’em.

  1. I still retain memories of being carried in from the car, nearly asleep after coming home late with my parents. Yes, a smile 🙂

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