in Musings

Lulu moving to Hillsborough Street

Saw today that Lulu is moving their offices to Hillsborough Street in Raleigh, convenient to N.C. State and its hungry and often carless computer science undergrads. All I can say is its about time.

Once upon a time when I worked at Lulu the company was making a move from Evans Road in Cary to a location off of Aviation Parkway literally bordering the airport. As a newly-hired IT manager tasked with getting an Internet connection to this remote location I was behind the eight ball right from the start. I think that location decision, made before I was hired, and its accompanying inability to get any broadband doomed me at Lulu and lead to my being fired months later.

Glad to see Lulu’s Bob Young now understands that being in RTP ain’t all its cracked up to be. I think Lulu will be happy on Hillsborough.