in Politics, Rant, TSA

TSA going after toys now

I agree with Titivil on this ridiculous story: our ever-vigilant TSA is going after remote-controlled toys. Going after remote-controlled toys may be prudent on the streets of Baghdad where they might be used in a booby-trap, but on an airplane?

Come on! While asshat TSA chief Kip Hawley was “connecting the dots,” did he ever consider that airplanes already fly through a sky full of RF energy? That any bozo on the ground can already send a radio signal that could be picked up by a plane? What’s next? Is the TSA going to ban all electrical wires?

The TSA would be a joke if it weren’t for the millions of dollars it sucks up. No wonder I’d rather drive 9 hours rather than put up with this idiocy.

(In honor of the continuing capers of the TSA, I’ve created its own special category. Yay!)