in Cheap Thoughts

Cheap Thoughts: Doctor Auditions

I’ve finally decided its stupid to drive nearly to Apex from North Raleigh when I want to see my doctor. The cost in gas and time don’t justify it. I work from home 90% of the time so why schlep across town and back if I don’t have to?

So now I’m looking for a new doctor, preferably one who practices within a few miles of my house. The problem is that doctors are all different and some of them just don’t suit me. A lot of them I’ve seen think all ills can be solved by a prescription for the latest Drug-Du-Jour, for instance.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was an open house of doctors? Like a convention where doctors could compete for your business? You could spend a few hours visiting their booths and finding out of they are prescription-pad addicts or doctors who’ll really listen to your problem – and you could interview them totally for free.

Or, what if doctors had a competition amongst themselves, like a Doctor’s Olympics? Competitions could include things like diagnosing a disease, see who could do the neatest suturing, bedside manner, etc. I think that would tend to keep them sharp and make them better doctors.

Of course, some doctors might think that’s beneath them, that they’re professionals for goodness sakes. Those doctors would be the first off my list.

  1. We sort of did that when we had our first child. My wife went and interviewed several pediatricians before choosing one. Personally, I’d be happy with a reliable online source of information about doctors.

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