in Checking In, Travels

Waiting for the Ferry

We’re in line for the ferry to Orcas Island. There is no internet access here (though a few closed access points are apparently nearby) but I thought I’d spend the time waiting in the car by writing a post.

Our Dutch breakfast was enjoyable. Once we were done with that, we headed over to the Anacortes Safeway to pick up most of our groceries for the week. All that’s left to buy is the perishable items, which we will get at the island grocery stores.

The weather in Seattle yesterday was phenomenal! It was partly sunny with a nice breeze and a temperature of 70F. Today in Anacortes we have overcast skies (ceiling around 2000 ft, in my estimation) and 59F. I’m now wishing I hadn’t forgotten to pack my jacket, though now I have a great excuse to buy a nice souvenir jacket! On the other hand, most of my clothes I brought are for cool weather, so overall I’m in good shape.

The sound is beautiful, just like I remember it. Even when its cloudy there is a certain peacefulness about it. In fact, the clouds add a bit of mystery, which I think appropriate for this area. There is a certain magic to the place. Its a place man will never completely tame.

In a few minutes we’ll drive onto the ferry, then climb up into the passenger areas. We’ve talked up the ferry ride to the kids so much that I hope it doesn’t disappoint it. I’m sure they’ll love it.

More when I get time to write. By the time you read this, we may be settled in our house.