in Checking In

Home From Pennsylvania

I arrived home at 11:45 last night. The trip took ten hours, rather than the seven I’d hoped. Traffic south of DC was, as expected, stop and go all the way to Stafford county. I spent the majority of the trip loudly singing along with my Barenaked Ladies MP3s.

I took a pit stop at Fredericksburg, where Chris joined me for dinner (or more correctly, talked as I ate dinner). It was good putting a face with a name, though I was sorry the driving forbid me from enjoying a tasty malt beverage during my visit.

I’m thinking I’ll skip the driving to Annapolis for this upcoming week. Or dust off my flight training books and get serious about becoming a pilot. The driving wasn’t so hard on the driver as it was for the driver’s car.

I was also invited to visit the Naylors at the lakehouse, but it was 11 by the time I drove by. The whole family will head over there tomorrow and enjoy the day. We don’t plan to put the boat in the water, though, as the next few weeks will be very busy for us and the interwoven weekends are too valuable to spend them packing, unpacking, rigging and unrigging.