in Checking In

Complete MT.Net Posts

Through the magic of SQL and lot of “bachelor time” this weekend, I managed to import all my ancient posts from their bplog database into WordPress. That means that every post I’ve ever written is now in one place, for the first time ever. I also fixed a lot of broken permalinks which didn’t transfer cleanly from Drupal. Now the “404” errors should be largely gone.

I’ve paused at times tonight to wade through a few of my early posts. There are some real gems here (and also some turkeys). I chuckled at this apt description of contracting I wrote when I was a contractor at Glaxo. I also looked back in fondness at my post about Hallie’s first ultrasound, back when Hallie was just an ‘it.’

Being able to relive events like these is one of the main reasons why I blog. Its nice to share it with y’all, too. Thanks for five years of being my audience.