in Check It Out


Kelly and I just watched Kinsey, a 2004 film starring Liam Neeson about the amazing work of Dr. Alfred Kinsey, the famed researcher of human sexuality. Dr. Kinsey’s groundbreaking work, known as the Kinsey Reports, gave science and society its first unblinking study of sexual behavior.

I had of course heard of Dr. Kinsey and his work but until viewing this film I did not have an appreciation for what incredible hurdles he had to overcome to complete his work. In a time of sexual repression and without computers and databases, Dr. Kinsey and his staff compiled interviews from hundreds of thousands of people on their sexual behavior.

Never before had society considered the truths his work revealed. Some still refuse to accept it. Nevertheless, without Dr. Kinsey’s dogged determination and scientific zeal, society might still be blind to the wonder of our own bodies. The man was truly decades before his time.

If you have a love for science this is a film you cannot miss.