in Checking In

Job Search Beginning

Boy, being out of work is hard work! I spent the day going crazy with LinkedIn. I think I connected with practically everyone alive. Already its paying off, though. I’ve had plenty of my friends and former associates offer to help find my next gig.

I also did the requisite resume uploading to various job sites. Next step is to enlist the recruiters to see what they might find.

I’ve been working at this all day now. Its funny, since I don’t really need to since we’re comfortably set for a month or two, but I’m motivated in a way that is unusual for me. I think I’m getting closer to figuring out what I want to do in life and impatient to get started doing it.

I had lunch with my dad today, too, which was fun. This followed lunch yesterday with my brother Jeff and friend Scott. Monday I have lunch with a friend and former coworker – a guy I’ve known for six years. It should be fun, too.

There are folks out there who depend on their job for their social contacts. Those people would be completely lost if they lost their jobs. I’m very fortunate to have so many friends in so many places. Y’all are just too much!

  1. If you can stand all the blue, you should head out to Chapel Hill for lunch one day.

  2. While I am probably not the poster child for job getting, I did find that every time you changed the resume, it would generate a new set of calls from recruiters. So, when I was lonely and wanted a couple of recruiters to call, I’d just change tomato to tomato 🙂

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