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Union Pacific

I knew the day was starting off right when at breakfast I looked up just in time to see that mystery Union Pacific locomotive rolling by. It was hauling five or six empty tanker cars north and snuck up on us by not blowing his horn until he was past us.

Got a good look at him this time, too. He’s UP 2908.

  1. I knew it started off right when I woke up and realized it was my birthday… or perhaps that means it started off wrong since I’m an ancient old 27 year old now?

    At least the weather is supposed to get nice for a bit!

  2. Happy birthday, Crystal!

    Man, I wish I was an ancient 27 year old again. 🙂

  3. Thanks. 🙂 I agree with the assessment that the nature park adds a lot to our property values. Trey and I love to take Fletcher on the trail that leads to the park. I babysat a couple of times for a family on Carileph and their back deck is just a few feet from the path- I think that’s cool. My only worry was that there might be some animals that I didn’t want in the yard, but we haven’t had a problem. We did have a opossum peeking into our backdoor one night but nothing that could eat my dog has been spotted… yet.

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