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Chemicals everywhere!

Getting dressed in my groggy state this morning, it occured to me just how many chemicals are in our lives. Our bodies are practically swimming in chemicals. That’s gotta have an effect on the body.

Centenarians walking among us are always asked “what’s the secret to long life?” I wonder if part of their secret is avoiding the chemical bombardment present in everyday products. Of course there’s no real alternative, unless you’re willing to grow your own food (with organic fertilizer), distill your own water (well water is polluted, too), and generally be paranoid about the things you come in contact with.

Ah, life in modern society. Our breastfed son Travis doesn’t know how good he has it. 🙂

  1. You’d be amazed at how much teflon we all have swimming around in us… Not only can it poison you from the awful non-stick cookware it’s in, but it’s also in wrinkle-free shirts and pants.

  2. If it isn’t bad enough that you get way too much mercury contamination from tuna and salmon, any old “silver” fillings in your teeth are also leeching mercury into your body….

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